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Diving Deeper into TSW as a Security Manager
These articles will help you have a deeper understanding on how to use TSW.
What are Sticky Filters?
How can I reactivate a users account?
What is the purpose of a reviewer? How do I assign a reviewer to an item?
How do I deactivate a users account?
How do I update an Employees Profile as a Security Manager?
When do employees receive an email notification?
What are Tags? How can I create them in ThreatSwitch?
How do I assign a tag to a user?
Is there a way to report on who has been assigned a tag?
As a Security Manager, how do I add a Profile Picture to an account?
How do I make a company or industry standard document available to employees?
Inbox Updates: Admin
Inbox Updates: Employee
Reportable Information Updated: Employee
Reportable Information Updated: Admin