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How can I assign multiple Cage Codes to an Employee?

What if an employee is associated with multiple facilities? Can we assign multiple cage codes to an employees profile?

Written by Peter Akeley
Updated over a week ago

Employees can be associated with different facilities and ThreatSwitch allows for you to stay organized and keep track of the facilities an employee can be associated with. There are two avenues you can take when adding an additional facility to an employee; a) update the employee's profile and b) add personnel via the facility tool. Below outlines the steps for both methods. 

Adding a Cage Code to the Employee's Profile

  1. Log into your TSW account and select the 'People' tool on the left side panel. Select the user you would like to assign an additional cage code to.

  2. On the 'Profile' tab, scroll to the "Assigned facilities" section and click 'edit'

  3. You will now have the ability to add, remove and update the Cage Codes the employee is associated with --- there is no limit to the number of facilities. You also have the option to change their Main Facility if need be.  Select 'Save'

  4. Congrats! You have successfully updated their Cage Codes

Adding a Cleared Personnel via the Facility Tool

  1. Log into your TSW account and select 'Administration' feature and select 'Facilities' on the left side panel. Select the the facility you would like to add the cleared person to. 

  2. On the next page, select the "Personnel" tab -- this will display all the cleared personnel that are associated with this facility. 

  3. To add a person to this facility, select "Add Personnel" located in the right corner.

  4. You can then either, a) search for the employee in the search bar, b) use the filtering tool to locate a group of employees, c) bulk add employees by selecting the checkbox. Select 'OK' in orange

  5. Congrats! You have successfully added an employee to the selected facility! 

Fun Fact: You can also remove people from facilities by selecting the personnel and clicking "remove selected" next to the orange "Add Personnel" box. 

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