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How can I reactivate a users account?
Written by Peter Akeley
Updated over 4 years ago

Contractors and/or previous employees always have the possibility of being rehired and ThreatSwitch has created an easy way for you to 'add' them back to your ThreatSwitch account. There are two options to activate a previously deactivated user. Check out the steps below on how to 'activate' a user.ย 

Activate one Account

  1. After logging into ThreatSwitch and opening the 'People' module, find the user you would like to re-activate

  2. Open their profile and view their 'Account Details'ย 

  3. Select 'Activate User' and in the pop up box approve of the action.

Activate Multiple Users at Once

  1. After logging into ThreatSwitch and opening the 'People' module, find the users you would like to re-activate

  2. Begin selecting the users by clicking the checkbox to the left of the users name

  3. Once you select all users that need to be reactivated, scroll to the top of the page to locate and select the option to 'Activate'. Approve the action in the following pop up box.ย 

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