The Forms feature in ThreatSwitch is a great tool to send and receive signed documents electronically. In our platform, Security Managers can now create custom forms, dictate required fields and formatting, and request completion and signatures from employees. This eliminates the back and forth of requesting information from employees and allows for this information to be stored in one location. Which all helps you stay organized.
In this article we will go over how to upload a form, assign it to employees and review the status of the form. Check out the information below to learn more!
How to Upload a Form in ThreatSwitch?
Uploading a form is simple, all you need is to save the document to your computer. Follow the steps below and view the video to learn how to add a form to TSW.
Log in to TSW and open the "Administration" feature on the left navigation bar. From there select "Forms" to view all company wide forms
Select "Add a Form" located in the top right hand side of the page
Type the Title for the form and then browse your computer to upload the right document. Select Continue after this information has been added. Please note: the valid file types are: .csv, .docx, .pdf, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, .xlsx, .tct, .html, and .gif
The next page will prompt you to add where the employee needs to either sign, initial, provide text, check a box or sign the date. You can add as many options that are required, all you need to do is left hand click the area that needs to be reviewed.
Once you provide all options, select Continue and then the file will be loaded into TSW.
The next step is to assign the form to an employee, check out the steps below to learn more.
How to assign and request a Form to an Employee?
Once you have the document uploaded into TSW, the next step is assigning it to employees so they can review, sign and return. The steps below outline how to assign a form to an individual.
Select the "People" feature on the left hand side of the page. Identify the employee you want to assign the Form to.
Once you have opened the employees profile, select the "Forms" section on the tool selection page.
The next screen will present you with the Forms you have previously requested from the employee as well as the documents you have added to the system for that individual. To request a new form, select the blue "Request Form" box.
This will now give you the option to select the type of Form from the drop down box as well as the due date for return. Select "Save"
Congrats you have successfully assigned a form to an individual!
How do I review the status of a form?
Now that you have assigned the form to an employee, you will want to check on the status of the form. The best method is to go to the individuals profile and open the Forms section. Here you will be able to view the type of Form, Status, date Requested, Due Date assigned. For all completed forms you can download and review the signed information. For incomplete forms you can reach out to the employee and provide a friendly reminder for them to review and complete by the due date.