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Transfer Receipts

Tracking classified asset transfers and generating receipts

Written by Peter Akeley
Updated over a week ago

When classified assets move around, security teams have an obligation to carefully follow industrial security guidelines, which include generating cover letters, tracking the document, and ensuring that it was received.

ThreatSwitch enables security teams to automatically generate a transfer receipt for selections of assets.

This feature is available for the following roles:

  • Administrators

  • Security Managers

To generate a new receipt for your assets:

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu, then Asset Control

  2. Mark the checkbox for each asset you would like to transfer

  3. Select the "generate transfer" button in the action menu

  4. Complete the cover letter information. Please note that several fields such as the addresses will be automatically populated based on related data.

  5. Click save and use the "print" button to print the receipt.

Notes on pre-populated fields:

  • The From Facility field will automatically set a return address based on the facility's "Classified Hardware Address"

  • The To Facility field will automatically set a return address based on the facility's "Classified Hardware Address"

  • The sending employee field will automatically set certain return address information such as the employee's name and return email address

  • The associated assets will populate their relevant classification information

Because address information is automatically set based on facility information in your account, we recommend adding recipient facilities into your ThreatSwitch account.

To view an existing transfer receipt:

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu, then Asset Control

  2. Click on an asset that has been transferred to view its detail page

  3. Navigate to the Receipts tab

  4. To print an existing receipt, click "View"

  5. To edit an existing receipt, click "Edit"

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