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Find out about changes to Sign In Compliance, both big and small.

Written by Jovito Salem
Updated over a week ago


The end of September marks two important milestones: The release of another month's worth of release notes and the celebration of International Racoon Appreciation Day on October 1. Today I learned that 'racoon' comes from the Algonquian word 'arakun' which means "he scratches with his hands."

What's New:

  • Introducing Quickview! Previously, viewing ticket details on the workflow board required clicking into each ticket individually, which opened the details in a new page. With Quickview, you can now click anywhere on a ticket (except the name), and a side panel on the right will display the ticket's details. This feature lets you quickly scan through your tickets without leaving the page.

  • When viewing tickets in the Workflow module, the headers will always remain visible at the top of the page, even as you scroll down the board. You no longer need to scroll back to the top of the page to see what column your tickets are in.

  • Reportable Info that has been archived is no longer included in a person's risk calculations. This allows an admin to dismiss a report, and omit its risk factors, after it has been addressed in the People Section.

    • To help communicate this, we've added a message that appears when you hover your mouse over a report's 'archive button'

  • As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance archiving capabilities for your data, we've added the ability to archive badges and assets. This allows you to keep and view those old records without needing to delete them permanently.

  • You can assign multiple default approvers to a workflow. Whenever a new ticket is created in that flow, all default approvers are automatically added to the ticket. For the ticket to be accepted, every approver marked as required must approve it. Click Enable Approver Flow in the Workflow module to add your approvers.

    • Additionally, we've added Forced Approval Order which allows you to determine the sequence in which approvers must approve a ticket. Users at the top of the list must approve first, and only after their approval will the next users see the approval button. Notifications will be sent to approvers accordingly.

  • The Tickets Module now includes a section for Tickets I have submitted, which shows tickets that a user has submitted with someone else as the subject.

What's Fixed?

  • When viewing a user's Tickets in the People section, their closed ticket history was previously not visible.

  • Users with a custom role were unable to assign themselves as an approver to a ticket.


Does anyone still follow the ‘Don’t wear white after labor day’ rule? Great way to alienate doctors and scientists if you ask me.

You know what's not alienating though? Our August releases. Made for all you fine folks in the Compliance Navigator ecosystem, wherever you may be.

What's New:

  • We now have a Workday integration! Head to the Administration module, then click Integrations > Third Party Integrations. Click Setup under the Workday tile to begin the process. Some features include:

    • Ability to schedule weekly import jobs

    • Ability to update existing users, matching on their email addresses in Workday.

    • Options regarding handling users in Workday with a termination date.

  • When viewing tickets in the Workflows module, you can now find specific tickets much faster using the Quick Filter search box in the top left corner. This allows you to quickly search for tickets by typing the subject's name or the ticket ID number.

  • You can now add multiple approvers to a workflow.

  • When assigning Training in the People module, the list of courses is now sorted by alphabetical order. As well, archived training no longer appears in the dropdown list.

  • As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance archiving capabilities for your data, we've added the ability to archive Contracts and Reportable Types. This allows you to keep and view those old records without needing to delete them permanently.

What's Fixed:

  • You were previously unable to view forms attached to users with a custom role.

  • A blank screen prevented you from linking contracts in the administration module.

  • From the notifications section, the reinvestigations due button would not filter the correct people.

  • Fixed an issue resulting in duplicate forms being created in the Travel section.

  • Users with a custom role that gave them access to assign training were still unable to do so.


What in the world history was July all about?! Everyone hanging in there okay? I myself am unwinding by obsessing over Olympic swimming events. Every four years, people ask me why I treat the 200m butterfly like a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.

Anyway, here's July from Compliance HQ.

Whats New:

We're excited to introduce the Library! This repository contains pre-made workflows and digital forms, curated from customer use-cases, that can be downloaded directly into your account. Use them out of the box or make changes as you see fit.

Check out our knowledge article or view our Campus Video Lesson. If you do not already have a Campus account, you can create one for free HERE.

  • We've made a number of enhancements to Facilities within the Administration module. These include:

    • The ability to create custom fields. To do so, head into the Administration module, then select Company. In the Custom Fields tab, add a new custom field and select Facility as the record type.

    • The ability to filter your Facilities list by custom fields.

    • The ability to export a CSV of your Facilities.

    • CAGE Code is now a required field.

    • General upgrades to how data is displayed and can be filtered in the Facilities page.

  • Users with the Security Manager role can now run Risk Insights checks on contacts.

  • For clients who've purchased other apps in the Sign In Solutions Suite (Visitor Management and Workspace Operations), you can now swap between accounts through our App Switcher. Click the App Switcher icon in the top-right corner, then select the account you'd like to access.

What's Fixed:

  • Previously, changes made to a custom field in Contracts were not saved.

  • Some users with the Security Manager role would sometimes see duplicate travel reports.


Welcome to summer, everyone. I wish you all a cold beverage filled patio season and happy re-watches of Inside Out 2. If you don't get a chance to do either of those things, enjoy reading these June release notes as the next best summer activity.

What's New:

  • You can now create custom fields for Contracts in the Administration module. Alongside this, you can filter contracts by custom fields and also view custom fields in the Contract Export CSV.

  • The Assets Export CSV now includes data for custom fields.

  • We've made upgrades to how data is displayed and filtered in the Company section. This encompasses the data tables found within the accesses, eligibilities, and custom fields tabs.

  • Containers can now be archived and unarchived. In the Administration module, select the Containers menu-item and open any container. The archive/unarchive button appears in the top-right corner. In addition, you can also filter your containers by its archived/unarchived status.

  • We've added text under a Facility's CAGE code that states "* Please contact customer support to change the CAGE Code."

What's Fixed:

  • When filtering digital forms by 'incomplete' status, you were presented with all forms, not just incomplete ones.

  • You were previously unable to un-assign the contract or facilities from a user's profile.

  • In some instances, whenever an asset record was opened, it nullified and removed the facility field. A user would previously have to re-enter the facility and save it every time.


It’s the pre-summer release notes extravaganza! Will the next month usher in the first 2024 appearance of my air conditioner? Will my favorite hockey team still be in the playoffs (Ignoring the fact that we were already eliminated in round 2)? Tune in next time to find out!

In the meantime, here are the last couple months’ releases.

What’s New:

  • Previously, when an asset was destroyed or transmitted, information about its previous container number or custodian was always still present in the asset record. Now, you have the option to retain or clear those fields based on your preference. If you clear, the original records are removed and noted in the asset’s history section.

    • In-app alerts have been added indicating that ‘destroying an asset will clear the custodian and container fields’.

  • Travel Reports now include additional information such as:

    • Date and location for boats and cars

    • Emergency Contact

    • Full address on travel itinerary for lodging

  • In the Administration module, we've renamed Compliance Navigator to Controls Navigator

  • Adding roles to users in the import wizard is still not allowed, but we’ve added a note that appears when a user attempts to do so. It states: *role is not an importable property.

  • Added the ability to create custom fields for users.

  • Added the ability to filter users and tickets by custom fields.

  • Facility Info is now a visible column when viewing your list of assets.

  • Improvements made to the Tags feature for future supportability and scale.

  • Enhancements to Custom Roles regarding Digital Forms management.

  • We now support M/D/YYYY date formats for CSV imports.


  • Users were previously unable to un-assign the last contract and/or facility in a person’s profile.

  • Training email notification links were previously not routing users to the correct place.

  • When creating new users, you were previously unable to see required custom fields which prevented new users from being created altogether. You are now able to see and fill out the required fields to create the user.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from downloading PNG reports.

  • Users were previously unable to filter by all CAGE codes on a VAR.

  • Fixed an issue that caused a blank screen to appear after users logged in through a specific Single Sign-On Provider.


March marks the occurrence of two never before seen phenomena. A Godzilla movie won an Oscar and we expanded our Risk Insights feature! Both highly anticipated events since the first Godzilla movie came out in 1954. More details on all of our shiny new March releases below.

What's New:

  • Risk Insights enables your team to verify identity and measure risk through our integration with Thomson Reuters’ CLEAR ID and Risk Inform. In addition to checking against users, it can now be used to check against contacts and tickets. When you click into a contact user or ticket, you’ll see a Confirm Identity and Check Risk button on the right-hand side of the page. From there, you can choose to Confirm Identity or Check Risk of the individual. Reach out to your customer success manager if you’d like to learn more and enable this in your account.

  • When viewing Files, you can now see a column showing existing tags alongside their respective documents. Tags have always been a key identifier for various objects within the platform, so this provides you with more info about your files at a quick glance.

  • The Printable Travel Report has a brand new look which cleans up how information is presented. Included in these changes is the addition of foreign contact information to the report.

  • The Approval button is now enabled for users with the Employee Role who are marked as a ticket’s approver. This is visible on the right side of the ticket window.

  • The error messaging for Eligibility imports has been clearer. Previously, if there was an issue with your eligibility type, the error message was not fully visible in the import wizard. This has now been expanded (eg. type_eligibility must exist)

  • You can add additional fields to your Contact Users, including address, date of birth, and driver’s license. These details are used by Risk Insights to assist in identity confirmation and risk check.

  • OPM - Office of Personnel Management has been added to the Investigated By dropdown list in Eligibilities.


It’s the rarest update of them all - the February leap-year update! In googling some leap day facts, it came to my attention that most of us salaried employees technically worked that extra day for free. For all those this applies to, we dedicate this batch of release notes to you 🫡

What's New:

  • The Import Wizard now allows you to bulk assign custom fields to your Assets and Personnel. These additional fields are selectable in the Sign In Compliance Properties column, giving you more flexibility in what data points you can update to multiple records at once.

  • To keep your visit processes more organized, you can now attach forms to Visit requests, similar to the same attachment process already present in other modules in the application. Click into a visit, select add attachment on the right-hand side, then select the Form tab. After all, is there any duo more iconic than a visitor and their NDA (aside from most other duos)?

  • Employees can no longer disable MFA from their profile, keeping your login settings centrally controlled to your admins.

  • Need a few more nudges to let your employees know when their tickets are due? All users who are required to submit a ticket will now receive an Inbox notification when one is assigned to them and when it’s overdue.

  • The steps to assign training to multiple users at once has been made simpler. Now, when selecting personnel in the training module, select any number of users from the list, or click the checkbox at the top of the list to select all of them captured in your filters. More to come in regards to managing large data sets!

  • Tickets can now be assigned to Employees (i.e. non-administrators) for their approval. The approval functionality was previously limited to admins only, so this update allows you to give users an often-used feature without making them a full admin.

  • The Ticket ID number is now displayed alongside the ticket details at the top of the page for easy reference.

  • Training instructions can now be formatted with your spacing and paragraphs, rather than one large block. Remember, no one wants to read a brick. White space is your friend!

  • When a form is required in a ticket, the wording for the call to action button now displays ‘Complete form’. Previously, it displayed ‘Sign form’, which was great to communicate signature requirements, but not intuitive for other scenarios.

  • You can now filter workflow tickets via Approval Status. In the workflow module, click the filter button near the top of the page and select between Approved, Denied, and Pending.


Do you think Punxsutawney Phil will predict an early spring? Although, I don't know if we should believe him. In the last 100 years, him and his family only have .39 accuracy rate. Not the most reliable source, is he? Anywho, let's check out January's updates!

What's New:

  • Admins can now mass-notify users based on the facility they're associated to in Sign In Compliance! You can select 'Notify Users' in the upper-right corner of the facility to set a subject and message. This message will appear in users inboxes.

  • You can now also mass-notify users based on their contract, as well. You can select 'Notify Users' in the upper-right corner of the contract to set a subject and message.

  • Employees can now be assigned as Approvers within a Workflow Ticket.

  • If a User with a Custom Role is allowed to view the People section, then they will also be able to view their Risk Profile, as well.

  • Within a Facility (in Administration), there is now an Attachments, Comments, and History section available for Admins to leverage.

  • Within the Accesses Import, "Grant Date" has been removed as an importable column.

  • Did a user forget to add lodging to their Travel and they don't know why they can't submit the report? Look no further as we've made more clear language surrounding any missed steps on the report.

  • When a user is assigned to complete a Submission Assignment for a Ticket, they will now receive an Inbox notification so they can quickly and easily navigate to the appropriate ticket.


  • Employees were receiving an error stating they were forbidden from updating their profile. This error has since been resolved.

  • When a user is trying to submit a travel report for another person, an error appears asking them to ensure that the "passport information is valid" even when it is. Users can now submit travel on behalf of other users without this error arising.

  • When filtering for a Tag under Training Assignments, the page was not loading the proper information. Rather, once a Tag was applied nothing on the screen would change.

  • When a user has a Custom Role with the People toggles turned on, they are not able to determine the role of the user they are creating.


Happy New Year! Can you believe that 2023 is already over? It's hard to believe 2023 is already over.... it's probably for the best. Take a look below to see what our awesome team has updated in SIC this past month.

What's New:

  • Admins can now mass-notify their entire organization held in Sign In Compliance! You can select 'Notify Users' in the upper-right corner in your Admin dashboard to set a subject and message. This message will appear in users inboxes.

  • Within Analytics, specifically Workflows, Admins can now find average time tickets are sitting in various statuses. If you have more questions on how to set this up, then reach out to your Customer Success Manager!


  • The comment section within Reportable Information was not sending notifications to users when the '@' function was leveraged. This bug has since been resolved.

  • When filtering for Managers under Training Assignments, the page did not populate the proper results.

  • After updating a General Select custom field (under Workflows), new tickets were not showing the new options in the dropdown.

  • The Access import only showed a few accesses associated to a user. If a user had 6 accesses associated to them, then only 3-4 accesses would appear under their profile.

  • If users who were not associated to any facilities tried to submit a report under Reportable Info/Notify, the report would state that a parameter is missing.


My hot take of the month is that Christmas trees go up after Thanksgiving. No, I will not be taking any questions or comments at this time. I will, however, take any questions you have on November's updates. So, let's get into it!

What's New:

  • The Travel CSV (pulled from the Travel export) now matches DISS exactly - including the optional fields - to help import seamlessly into DISS.

  • Previously, the Foreign Travel export (meant for import into DISS) was missing the optional fields available in DISS. These headers have now been added for ease of use when importing foreign travel reports into DISS.


  • Under Contracts, when filtering for a CAGE, the table would not populate all of the results. The issue has been resolved.

  • Employees were able to edit visits that are locked' under Visit Requests.

  • Customers were unable to save newly created Assets under Administration. This issue has now been resolved.

  • The email notification sent to employees when newly assigned a Training was redirecting users to the wrong page.


As sad as I am that Halloween is over, it's probably for the best. I think I might have eaten enough candy to give myself a cavity - tragic! You know what's not tragic, though? Our October updates!

What's New:

Notice anything about Reportable Information? There's been a ton of neat changes! Check out how it's impacted Admins and Employees in the articles below:

  • In the inbox, with the Security POC dropdown, the CAGE code has been added next to the POC, so users can distinguish which POC to contact if they are associated with multiple cages.

  • Alongside the functionality updates to Reportable Information, we have also "beautified" it! Cheers to approachable, fun reporting!

  • Admins can now mass import Asset notes from a different system into SIC. Ask your Customer Success Manager for the Asset import template.

  • Admins can now import Accesses and Eligibilities, respectively, into SIC without the use of the DISS import. Ask your Customer Success Manager for the Accesses and Eligibilities import templates.


  • When trying to leverage the import functionality for the very first time, the import wizard would take Admins into a loop - not allowing them to upload their data. This issue has now been resolved. Happy importing!

  • Previously, when an Admin would click into a report that has not been viewed, it would redirect them to a blank page. This issue has since been resolved.

  • When an Admin would view a new report in Reportable Information, it would not dismiss the notification in the Admin dashboard - as though it had not been viewed at all. This has been fixed.


As we wrap up September, you may be wondering how it's already the end of Q3?! I wish I knew the answer, because I'm as perplexed as you are. One thing we can not be baffled about is how wonderful our September releases have been! Keep reading to find out what's been going on here at Sign In Compliance:

What's New:

Admins and Employees now have new and improved Inboxes! To read more about these changes, please read the articles below:

  • Admins can now import accesses in a bulk fashion. When doing so, the import will not create new users, rather it will update the accesses of the users already existing within the system.

  • Within a Ticket, pertaining to Workflows, the formatting of the instructions have been updated, in order to relay clear, concise steps to your employees.

  • Within Custom Fields, in a Workflow's settings, 'Time' is now an option as a data type. This will allow users to select the precise time when filling out this custom field within a Ticket.

  • While doing a Personnel import, Admins can now bulk-tag their users! All you'll need to do is create an additional column to your personnel CSV with the header 'Tags'. While you're doing the import in Sign In Compliance, you will have the option to map this column to the Tags section of a user's profile.


  • In the comments section of reports in Reportable Information, Admins were not able to see which users left a comment. This error has now been resolved.


Remember last month when I mentioned August being the best month of the year? Well, I'll tell you why now. Drumroll please! It was my birthday! Your favorite article-writing, Customer Success gal turned another year older. Yipee! Now, with that out of the way, on to our August updates!

What's New:

  • Admins can now view the updates Reportable Information table! The table now includes Date, Name, Type, Employees, and Reviewer.

  • There are now additional filters available in the Reportable Information section. Just go to Notify --> Reportable Info --> Add a Filter. The new options include Cage Code, Date, Type, Reviewer, and Viewed Status.

  • Admins can now associate multiple facilities to a single contract! You can do so by going into a Contract within Administration, then you can choose multiple facilities from the dropdown.

  • Contracts with a Tag on them have a new look! Look at your Contracts table within Administration to find the new Tags column.


  • Admins were unable to update existing Workflows that had a Form in the Submission Assignments.

  • When filtering within the Travel section of a User's Profile, the Status and Reviewer filters would not display results accurately.

  • Employees that were assigned a Task would click to view the task, but the page would redirect to a "We're sorry this page does not exist" error.

  • Admins were not able to save the information within the Manager and and Location fields when creating a new user's profile.


I have nothing clever to say about July, because it's finally time for the best month of the year! August! Why is that, you may ask. Well, maybe I'll reveal why during August's Recent Updates. Before we leap into August, let's look back at July and see what's happened!

What's New:

  • Multiple facilities can now be associated with a single contract - yippee! To do so, go to Contracts under Administration, then you can leverage the Facilities dropdown to select multiple Facilities.

  • Surprise! We have updated some of the branding within Sign In Compliance. Have you noticed the new colors? The new logo? Some green here. Some blue there. You get the visual, right? If not, just log into SIC and see for yourself!

  • The DISS subject report has been updated in light of their recent changes.

  • Have 100 badges to put into SIC? Good news for you! SIC's Badge section now has a 'Import CSV' option so that Admins can bulk upload badges.

  • Travel drafts will now state the last time the user updated the travel. To see the time, just look under the title of the report!


  • In the Visit Requests table, the Submitted By column appears empty. This bug has now been resolved.

  • In the History Section throughout Sign In Compliance, it kept stating that an Unknown User made changes rather than the user who actually made the change.

  • When associating an Access to a user, a warning message pops up: "User not assigned to Facility associated to this Contract'. This would occur even if the user was appropriately associated.

  • When adding an Access to a user's profile, the Contracts dropdown would only populate "undefined: undefined" instead of the contracts within the system.

  • When a Reviewer is added to a Travel, the History section shows that the Reviewer made the changes in the report - not the Submitter.


The summer solstice has come and gone. Do you know what that means? I've done my annual re-watch of Ari Aster's Midsommar. That's a totally normal summer tradition, right? Please someone tell me I'm not weird. Anyhow, let's just move past that one and get to our June release notes!

What's New:

  • The logos within the solution have now been updated to reflect the new branding of the company. Goodbye ThreatSwitch and hello Sign In Compliance!

  • Within the Employee view, on the right-hand side, there are shortcut buttons to take them to various aspects of the solution. The "Request Action from my Security Team" button took users to the Action Requests section, even though their company leverages Workflows. The button now redirects to the employee's Ticket section, rather than the Action Requests section.

  • Admins can now more easily associate Facilities within a user's profile. Rather than selecting from a dropdown of facilities one at a time, Admins can select multiple facilities to associate with a user at once.

  • Previously within Travel, if a user was going to a location via their personal car, the report would default the Arrival country to be the same as the Departure country. Now, users can select any Arrival country when traveling in a personal car, regardless of the chosen Departure country.

  • Users that now have a Custom Role that includes the Travel functionality will be able to view Forms within users' travel reports.


  • No bugs this month!


May the Fourth be with you! That's what they say, right? I'm not sure... I was never much of a Star Wars kid. In fact, I think I was 20 years old when I watched my first Star Wars film. I digress from my embarrassing secret. Keep reading to learn more about the May updates!

What's New:

  • Within Asset Control in the Administration section, users can now search for their Transmittals via the Identifier number.

  • Assets now have a new field! The field is for Classification Date.

  • There is a new status option within a Travel Report. Admins can now mark reports as 'Submitted to Diss'!

  • Within Travel, users can now see the date the report was submitted to DISS under the Submitted column. Plus, there's a new filter available that allows Admins (and users) to search specifically for 'Diss Submitted' travel reports!

  • Admins can now remind their users to come back and complete their Post Brief within Travels. Either click on the checkbox in the table, or go into a Travel report, and you'll be able to click on a button that sends out a Travel Post Brief reminder!

  • Admins will now receive emails when their users have completed their Post Brief within Travels.

  • The car transportation fields have now been updated to state Departure and Arrival, rather than Pick Up and Drop Off.

  • When submitting a Travel Report, there was confusion as to where to update a user's passport information. This has now been updated for users' to more easily identify where to update their passport details.

  • Admins can now bulk upload their Facilities with the new 'Import CSV' button within the Facilities section. To find it, go to Administration, Facilities, and look at the upper-right hand corner. Ta da! Uploading facilities has never been easier!

  • A Form that is attached to a Ticket within a Workflow will now be deleted if the Ticket is deleted.

  • If a user assigns another user to fulfill the Submission Requirements within a Ticket, then they can also now sign the Forms attached to the Ticket!

  • It is now possible to filter for 'Purpose of Travel' within the Travels section.

  • Now, users can fill out their Emergency Contact when submitting a Travel report. Users still have the option to have a permanent Emergency Contact within their profile. However, this option is in case the Emergency Contact differs based on who/where the user is traveling with/to.


  • In Custom Roles, if an Admin changed the settings of the Documents and Forms dropdown within a role, then the change would not save. It would continue to revert to its previous setting. This issue was also found within the Travels piece of the Custom Role settings. This issue has now been resolved.

  • Employees were able to see the 'Add Eligibility' button within their profile. If they attempted to fill it out, then it would not properly save. This is due to the fact that employee roles are not able to add their own eligibilities. The button has since been removed.

  • Travels could not be submitted if the pre-brief was turned off in the Travel settings.

  • Admins could not see closed tickets for users within their profiles. This bug has now been resolved.

  • In Reportable Information, the 'Create a Report' button would not download the CSV if the filter 'Type: Foreign Contact' was applied.


April showers bring May flowers! I'm just kidding... it's still raining in Charlotte and all it has brought is pollen. I'm sniffling as I type this, in case you're wondering. More big news on our end, *insert drumroll here* the new and improved version of Travel is here!

Click here to read all about Travel and its release notes:

Besides that, here's everything else that happened in April!

What's New:

  • Full country names are now shown under the Destination columns, rather than just the abbreviated versions.

  • Reviewers on Travel reports will now receive an email notification when a Travel report is assigned to them.

  • Within a Ticket that has the Approval flow turned on, if a user attempts to delete or close a ticket, a warning appears to let them know that the approval will auto-decline.

  • The DISS Import CSV has been updated. Click here to find the updated template.

  • Within the Contracts Export CSV, Departments has been added as a header for Admins to have additional information!

  • Return date on a Travel report date can only be after the Departure date.


  • With the Travel update, the link to the various country's travel briefings were rendered non-dynamic. This bug was fixed so that the link shows the proper country's briefing based on what was chosen by the user.

  • When adding flights, multiple repeated lines would appear rather than just the one flight. Adding boat ports also did a similar action with the repeated lines. These issues have now been resolved.


I have no clever commentary for this month because I have something far more exciting! The integration between Sign In Enterprise and Sign In Solution has officially been released. Yipee! Now, reign in that excitement, and keep on reading for March’s release notes.

What’s New:

  • In the People section, Admins can now enable two-factor authentication via the bulk-action option in the heading of the table. Admins can also go into a user’s profile and enable 2FA on an individual basis. Cheers to extra layers of safety!

  • In the People section, there is now a ‘Created Date’ filter for Admins to sort through users. By leveraging the filter, Admins will be able to select a range of dates for the creation date of users.

  • DISS has updated its subject report… again. Who’s shocked? Not us! The SIC team has updated the DISS import function to reflect the new subject report. Admins can find the CSV file to the DISS import here.


  • Within People, if an Admin/Security Manager tried to create a new user, the Facility dropdown would show ‘No Options’. The bug has been fixed to accurately reflect the list of facilities in users’ environments within the Facility dropdown when creating a user.


For the first time in a year that I've been writing these updates, a customer finally told me that they read my jokes on the posts… March is going to be a good month 😎 Mind you, they didn't tell me whether they thought it was funny or not. Potato potato. A win is a win! Speaking of wins, onto our February updates!

What’s New:

  • Within ‘Tasks’ in Administration, Admins can now send a bulk reminder to users to remind them to complete their tasks. To do so, just hit the checkbox next to ‘Task Name’ to select all of the tasks on that page, then select ‘Remind’.

  • Admins can now update their employees’ Security Point of Contact (shown on an employee’s inbox). Admins can go to ‘Facilities’ under Administration, select a facility, and determine who the FSO is. In doing so, the FSO’s email will show up under the Security POC for employees affiliated with that facility.

  • Under Administration, Admins now have access to ‘Contacts’. Admins can create useful contacts privy to only the Admin and Security Manager roles.


  • When a training is created or edited, it would not show up unless the ‘Created Date Filter’ is removed.

  • Under Custom Roles, a user who has the option to ‘Add Users’ (via People) is unable to do so, even when their permissions allow them to. Rather, every field when creating a user is greyed out except for the Facilities dropdown.

  • Within a Request Template, the dropdown for a Required Form appears blank, rather than showing the available forms.

  • If an Action Request has a Form required for its submission details, the form does not appear when submitting a new request.

  • Within Foreign Travel, the previous button in the report is broken and will not allow users to go to the previous page.

  • The lodging dates within the Foreign Travel wizard are off after submitting the report.

  • The beginning and end dates for a Foreign Travel trip are off from the originally entered date.

  • Once an employee exits the Foreign Travel Wizard, the user lands on the V1 Foreign Travel table.


Did you know the groundhog is named Punxsutawney Phil? Anyways, he saw his shadow, so bundle up! With that chilly news, let’s move on to our February updates.

What’s New:

  • In Eligibility under a User’s profile, there is a new option under the ‘Granted By’ field. The option is ‘DoDCAS - DCSA Consolidated Adjudications Services’.

  • Within a Travel report, there is a passport section - pulled from a user’s profile - that appears on the first page of the wizard. Users also have the option to edit their passport details within the Travel report.

  • Previously, Users received a notification when a multiple-signature form was out for signatures by the other people assigned to the form. Users will no longer receive a notification that they have an incomplete task when others Users still need to sign the form.

  • When Admins delete a Contract, a message will pop up explaining why the deletion isn’t possible if it’s associated with a Visit Request(s).

  • In Workflows, Admins can now enable an ‘Approvals Flow’ to approve or reject a user’s ticket. As an Admin, you can assign a default Approver for all tickets from a Workflow within its settings. However, if you don’t want to assign a default Approver, then assign an Approver within an individual’s ticket!

  • The link to the CDSE FSO Toolkit training has been updated to reflect the proper link. The DoD Hotline Posters link in the Training section has also been updated.

  • In Visit Requests, users now have the option to insert the incoming visitor’s email via the new ‘Email’ field.

  • Customers can now request to have their custom logos on emails sent to their employees. This includes emails notifying users about incomplete tasks.

  • In the Security Point of Contact section in an Employee’s inbox, users can now click on their POC’s email to shoot them a message!


  • When a user is created and their Date of Birth is entered, the profile shows the DOB a day before the date entered.

  • Employees were being redirected to the Foreign Travel V1 table when saving a travel report as a draft. This error has been fixed, and they are being directed to the proper table.

  • When users edit a previously existing travel report, clicking on the ‘Previous’ button did not take them to the previous page. This issue has now been resolved.

  • Security Managers received an error after logging out of ThreatSwitch.

  • Within a Travel report, the start and end dates of a trip are appearing off by one day. This error has been solved.

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