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How do I access ThreatSwitch?
Written by Peter Akeley
Updated over a week ago

There are a few different options on how to access ThreatSwitch as an Employee. Your company will either offer logging on with a username and password or with Single Sign On.

Either option will grant you access to your ThreatSwitch account. Your Security Team will advise you on how to log in depending on the company policy. The options are either with a username and password or Single Sign On (SSO). Below are the different methods and how each option works.

Web URL:

  • Access ThreatSwitch with the following URL:

  • This will then allow you to use a 'username' and 'password'.

  • The username is typically the email that your company provides you.

  • You have the opportunity to set and define your own password.

  • Once the account is initiated, you can enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA - Enable 2FA).

Single Sign On:

  • Your Security Team will provide you with a company specific URL or Welcome Email -- the URL and Welcome Email will contain the link to log into ThreatSwitch.

  • Once you open the link, you will automatically be logged into ThreatSwitch.

  • To access ThreatSwitch again, save the URL as a bookmark or access you Company's Single Sign On landing page.

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