Submitting your Post-Travel information to your Security Manager is as easy as submitting the Pre-Travel report. Follow the steps outlined below to start this process in ThreatSwitch.
Log into ThreatSwitch using your Username and Password
Proceed to the "Foreign Travel" tool on the navigation bar located on the left hand side of the screen.
Locate the Pre-Travel report you previously submitted that now requires the post-travel information. Quick Tip: Use the Filter tool to identify the trip. The filters include; departure date, arrival date, destination country, and pre or post travel report status.
Select the orange "Post Travel" button to begin the process
5. The following pages will ask you if any changes occurred during the trip or if what was submitted during the Pre-Travel report was accurate. Select the option that represents your trip and proceed to update or complete the following pages.
6. Once you document any changes, you will then be asked to complete the Post-Travel Questionnaire. This questionnaire is a total of twelve questions, please answer this information as accurately as possible.
7. After completing the questionnaire you can include any travel documents or any items required from your security team.
8. After submitting this information, you security managers will receive an email notification stating that you have finished your foreign travel report.
Congrats! You have successfully completed your foreign travel report. If there are any additional actions needed, you will be notified by your security admins.